Most of us have been Team Jeans since childhood. The comfort, the versatility, the continuous reinvention of this casual item of clothing is what makes it a must in every wardrobe.
And while finding the perfect fit may not be as hard as swimsuit shopping, it’s still pretty hard! Do they make your butt look right? Aren’t they a little too long? Do they go with your favorite shoes? Are they even in your price range?
There are plenty of questions to answer. And once you do find those perfect jeans, you never want to let them go. So take good care of them and make them last with these 25 denim hacks:
25 DIY Denim Hacks
1. Temporary hem tape can be a life savior! Use it to hem your jeans for the night, and rip it off the next morning to get your beloved jeans back.
2. Adjust the length of your jeans to that of your legs by cuffing them! Rolling them up looks best on boyfriend jeans, while rolling them under is more suited for skinny jeans.
3. Keep your zipper up with this super easy trick: a key ring is all you need!
4. Take in the waist of your oversized jeans by adding in an elastic band! This 5-minute project will save you hours of pulling your top at the back.
5. Fix holes in your jeans instead of automatically sending them to the bin when they’re ripped in wrong places.
6. Maximize closet space by storing all your jeans on a single multi-hanger. Of course, if “all your jeans” doesn’t mean 20 pairs…
7. DIY perfectly distressed jeans. If you’re bored with your jeans and think a little distressing would take them up a notch, follow this tutorial from Say Yes to get the perfect look.
8. DIY the drop hem trend with jeans you already own using this simple trick, no fancy tools required (see photo above from Paper & Stitch)
9. Add a zipper to your jeans to avoid bunching up at the ankles and instantly get a trendy look. Bonus: no sewing required and one of our favorite denim hacks to date.
10. Don’t buy denim cutoffs – make them yourself, they’re not called cutoffs for nothing!
11. Embroider any text you want on old jeans to make them new again. This tutorial shares two methods that anyone can try.
12. Prolong the life of your jeans by not washing them. That’s right, you can freeze them instead! That actually kills bacteria without attacking your precious fiber.
13. To prevent your jeans from shrinking in the wash and keep them around for longer, always use cold water and dry on medium heat for no longer than 10 minutes!
14. Make plain jeans more interesting with the side-stripe trend! This tutorial requires no sewing skills and it shows you just how to get the look.
15. DIY bell bottom jeans. Happy to hear bell bottoms are back, but not quite ready to make an investment? That’s ok, you can always DIY! (photo above)
16. If your jeans are a bit too tight, let them air dry and pull the waistband by hand. You can also use a hairdryer over the waistband while they’re still damp.
17. To ensure you’re always wearing flattering jeans, here are the best jeans for your body type (take with a grain of salt and wear whatever makes you feel good!)
18. Hem jeans with original hem whenever they’re too long for you, but too good to resist.
19. Talk about denim hacks: if you’re buying jeans from say, a flea market, and have no place or time to try them on, this is the trick for you. Place their waistline around the diameter of your neck. They should meet comfortably at the back to insure a good fit at the waist.
20. To maintain the color in your dark wash jeans, add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the final rinse cycle of your laundry.
21. You know those spare buttons you get with your jeans? They’re there for you to use them! Here’s how to replace a broken jean button.
22. Broken zipper? Not to worry, you can replace it yourself.
23. DIY boyfriend jeans. Get the perfectly fitted boyfriend jeans by altering a pair you already own! Get the how-to on Advice From a 20-Something.
24. If you have a hole in your jeans and no sewing skills, you can still repair them with these iron-on denim repair patches.
25. Paint your jeans to make them instantly cooler and turn them into your all-time favorite jeans!
Do you have any other denim hacks we should know about? Share them in the comments below!
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